Badminton Club Schuttrange was founded in 1992 by a number of badminton enthusiasts to offer local youngsters and adults a chance to play their favourite sport close to home. From the start youth training by experienced coaches has been one of the club’s priorities and has resulted in a membership that consists of well over 60% of young players.

Another important objective is to cater for all levels and standards of play. While the club has a senior team in the national league as well as youngsters, seniors and veterans who compete in official tournaments, a lot of our members are recreational players who simply enjoy having a fun game in the modern sports hall on the Munsbach school campus.
The club is also involved in village activities, such as the annual Nuit du Sport, and organises “porte ouverte” events and a yearly family day in order to attract new members.
So just come along to one of our club evenings and get a taste of the badminton action!